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Common Spring Allergies in Texas

Common Spring Allergies in Texas

Spring is a common time for seasonal allergies. Flowers, trees, and bushes are awakening from the winter and releasing pollen, spores, and other compounds into the air with the hope of pollinating and fertilizing other plants. 

If your immune system is sensitive to these compounds, it may react with sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. The goal of your immune system is to clear your sinuses of the pollen and spores, but you experience it as miserable spring allergies.

We here at South Plains Rural Health Services are ready to help if you suffer allergy symptoms. We can help you become aware of your triggers and avoid them as well as offer treatments to help you ease uncomfortable symptoms. 

In Texas, here are some of the things you should know about spring allergies

Spring allergy symptoms

It’s normal to assume you’ve caught a cold or even the flu when you’re really just experiencing aggravating allergy symptoms. 

If these symptoms last more than a few days, it’s likely you have allergies: 

Allergies can also make you feel tired and unmotivated. You’re well enough to function, but you don’t really want to.

Common allergens

Allergies tend to rise nationwide in the spring. In Texas, pollen from oak trees is a major culprit.With more than 50 varieties in Texas, there’s likely an oak tree near or in your neighborhood. 

Other trees that release allergy-causing pollen include:

If you have severe allergies, we can run tests to determine the exact cause, so you can avoid planting offending trees on your land.

As spring turns to summer, grasses start to release pollen that can trigger allergies. It’s common to have a reaction to Bahia, Bermuda, Orchard, Sweet Vernal, and Timothy. If you have wide open land or hike, you’ll likely encounter these grasses.

Keeping allergies under control

In spring, the temperatures are already rising in Texas. Keep your windows closed when possible and turn on the air conditioning to minimize your contact with pollen. Exercise indoors, and clean well to get rid of any dust, spores, or pollen that triggers your symptoms. Over-the-counter allergy medications and nasal sprays are also effective for many patients.

If your allergies are severe, reach out to us at South Plains Rural Health Services. We can help you with medications, including shots, that can help keep symptoms under control.

We can also help you determine if your allergies are related to something other than seasonal causes. Pet dander, dust, mold, and some chemicals can also be triggers. You might be blaming your outdoor environment when something else entirely is causing your symptoms.

Call the nearest location today, or use the online tool to set up an appointment for help with all your allergy problems. Our friendly staff is ready to help you clear your sinuses, so you’ll feel energized and comfortable all times of the year.

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